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The 2020 AndersonVision Complete Holiday Gift Guide is live!

Each year we try to top the year prior with selections, tidbits and festive ways to tell you all that Capitalism is the one true deity of choice. But, 2020 hit with its fists dubbed Dr. Kenneth Noisewater and COVID-19. Faster than your elderly uncle can make a Steely Dan joke, the AndersonVision team sprung into action.

Featuring the superb art direction and concept construction of Matt Garretson, our little site came together to help companies get a last minute look at your financial well-being.

santa gift guide silent night deadly night 2 andersonvision holiday gift guide

Shop with these fine vendors. Buy often and mention AndersonVision. We’re not like those sham sites that e-begs on Patreon, runs aggressive ads or pay locks stuff.

We’re a gaggle of nerds who came together with a mission this year. That is to yell louder about the things we like. Hopefully, 2021 will be a far more normal year. I clock at being about 60% normal and 40% vaccine mutants living in some hellish half-baked Fallout scenario.

But, I like surprises.



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