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The Burglars (1971) [Blu-ray review]

“The Burglars,” directed by Henri Verneuil and released in 1971, is a French-Italian neo-noir crime thriller starring Jean-Paul Belmondo and Omar Sharif. The film is based on the 1953 novel by David Goodis and revolves around a group of burglars who steal a suitcase of emeralds, only to be pursued by a corrupt police inspector in Athens.

The Burglars (1971) [Blu-ray review] 1

The Burglars is underrated

Henri Verneuil directed “The Burglars,” utilizing his expertise in crafting tense, action-packed narratives. The film was shot in both French and English, with the same cast, to cater to different markets. Filming locations included Athens and Paris, capturing the essence of the heist and subsequent chase sequences. The film is known for its spectacular car chase scenes, choreographed by Rémy Julienne’s crew, adding a thrilling visual element to the story.

If it’s so unseen, what is the movie about?

The plot follows a band of crooks led by ace safecracker Azad (Jean-Paul Belmondo) who break into a mansion to steal a valuable collection of emeralds. Their heist is successful, but they face obstacles when their getaway plan is delayed, forcing them to hide the loot. Detective Abel Zacharia (Omar Sharif) discovers their plan and attempts to steal the emeralds for himself, leading to a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Belmondo kills it in the film

Jean-Paul Belmondo’s performance as Azad is charismatic and engaging, showcasing his skill in action roles. Omar Sharif’s portrayal of the corrupt detective Zacharia is equally compelling, adding depth to the antagonist’s character. Dyan Cannon and Robert Hossein provide strong support, contributing to the film’s dynamic and tense atmosphere.

Visually stunning from the opening credits to the end

The cinematography by Claude Renoir effectively captures the beauty and grit of Athens, enhancing the film’s neo-noir aesthetic. The visual effects, particularly the car chases and stunts, are highlights of the film, demonstrating meticulous planning and execution that contribute to the overall excitement and intensity.

Let’s talk about scenes we loved

Key scenes include the initial heist, which sets the tone for the film’s high stakes and meticulous planning. The various chase sequences, especially the iconic car chase through Athens, are standout moments that display the film’s action prowess. The climactic confrontation between Azad and Zacharia in the cargo hold of a ship provides a thrilling and satisfying conclusion.

How does it compare to other films?

“The Burglars” can be compared to other heist films like “Rififi” and “The Italian Job,” which also focus on meticulously planned thefts and the ensuing complications. Like these films, “The Burglars” blends action with suspense, creating a gripping narrative that keeps viewers engaged.

The Burglars (1971) [Blu-ray review] 3

For a thematic double feature, pair “The Burglars” with “Rififi,” a classic heist film that similarly explores the intricacies of a robbery and its aftermath. Another excellent companion film is “The Italian Job,” which offers a more lighthearted but equally thrilling take on the heist genre.

The Readers have questions about The Burglars

Q: Is “The Burglars” based on a true story? A: No, “The Burglars” is based on the 1953 novel by David Goodis.

Q: Where was “The Burglars” filmed? A: The film was shot in Athens and Paris.

Q: Is “The Burglars” suitable for children? A: The film is rated PG and contains action and suspense, making it more suitable for older children and adults.

Q: Who directed “The Burglars”? A: Henri Verneuil directed the film.

Q: What is the runtime of “The Burglars”? A: The film has a runtime of approximately 120 minutes.

Q: Are there any notable cameos in “The Burglars”? A: The film primarily features its main cast, with standout performances by Jean-Paul Belmondo and Omar Sharif.

The Burglars just came to Blu-ray

In 2024, “The Burglars” received a Blu-ray release, providing fans with an enhanced viewing experience. The Blu-ray edition includes a high-definition transfer of the film, ensuring vibrant picture quality and clear audio. You get both cuts of the film which I believe is a first. Honestly, Columbia Pictures is really good about presenting cuts like that and I hope they continue it.

You can buy The Burglars Blu-ray at MovieZyng!

Our Summary

The Burglars (1971) [Blu-ray review]


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Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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