The Witch Files brings together young women and witchcraft for the 1900th time. 3

The Witch Files brings together young women and witchcraft for the 1900th time.

The Witch Files is the latest movie from the team that brought us Night of the Living Deb. While there is an audience for female friendly horror oriented titles, I’m not sure of the need. The reliance on found footage and spotty FX didn’t quite add up to much. However, it doesn’t matter. Whether you’re a guy, gal, sentient robot, non self-aware Roomba or other being, there is a need to idealize certain fictions. There’s a reason why fare such as Charmed and The Craft has a following.

Young women need the witch mythos to find a sense of camaraderie and power at a certain age. Some ladies lean hard into that Hot Topic employee discount and go full throttle. Others just Netflix and chill with movies like this. The Witch Files keeps the fun alive for these girls and we get a supporting role from Paget Brewster. Brewster is like the female Ted McGinley. She’s charming, but always ends up killing the shows that I love.

If there’s a young lady in your life, I’d recommend making it a Halloween double feature with Night of the Living Deb. She’ll appreciate it or hate you. I don’t know. Honestly, the more I talk about kids, the more I find myself aging into an old man ala the Progressive commercials.



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