A&E Network’s newest series Wahlburgers gives a behind-the-scenes look into one of Boston’s most well-known families, the Wahlbergs. Brothers Mark and Donnie join forces with their sibling, Paul, in their tasty business venture. An homage to their humble beginnings, the hamburger restaurant is home base for the gang from the old neighborhood, including the real Johnny “Drama” and of course their spirited mother Alma.


“Wahlburgers” is the latest A&E reality show about letting famous people do basic work. Paul Wahlburg is a decent cook who makes tasty burgers. His brothers once sat fire to a rug at the Galt House and the other asked me to say Hi to my mother. They squabble, fight and talk about pseudo Irish influence on their South Boston upbringing. Their mom shows up and shoots the shit, but nothing really adds up to much. Does it ever?

The sibling rivalry builds and builds, while everything continues to feel staged for the camera. That being said, the burgers are the star of the show and they look amazing. I’d give anything for a good burger, so this joint is kinda my “Babette’s Feast” if you will. Filmed presentations of food are an art form that is lost on most people. I know that there is a solid portion of the readership that won’t bother with this material because it’s a reality show. Honestly, you’re missing out on a staged show that does dip into actual reality where it counts. That being said, I hate everyone in Boston that is able to grab one of these burgers and chuck it at Johnny Drama’s head.

The DVD comes with webisodes as the special features. The A/V Quality is pretty strong for a live-action reality show. The Dolby track is supportive with its surround design. However, the transfer feels flat. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to the curious.

RELEASE DATE: 07/22/2014

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