mother of monsters poster indie film

Troy reviews every indie film that mattered in February 2020.

Addicted to You is an indie film that kept coming on my radar. From clips with Seth Rogen to a constant Valentine’s Day push, it only made sense that I watched the movie on the 15th. Yeah, I know…things are rough around here. But, what did I like about the movie?

Constantly funny, strong supporting cast and felt a lot more cohesive than many of the bigger studio comedy offerings. Although, it seems that comedy is taking a back burner to superheroes, teen thrillers and the spring fare. I’m just glad that someone is trying to keep comedy on film flowing.

mother of monsters poster

Mother of Monsters is kinda like We Need To Talk About Kevin. When I watch indie film, this is what I tend to thumb through. The problem I had with the movie is that found footage is still really overplayed in modern film culture. While I get that they want to show footage on the cheap of the central villain slowly losing it, everything feels so gestalt.

I dig the intentions, but found the execution lacking is the easiest way to sum up my feel of the movie. That being said, it feels like a short film that wasn’t quite ready to be a feature. Did I need melodramatic constructs that come with a big studio film? No. However, I needed to buy the push behind the kind losing it and I didn’t. At worst, it dipped a toe into Lifetime original movie territory.

Standing Up, Falling Down is a recent Shout Factory theatrical release that I’ve heard about for a bit. Now playing in limited release, I’ve come to wonder one thing. Will friends of the site get mad at me that this is the Ben Schwartz movie I liked best in February? They can’t all be Sonic, but I love touching funny dramas.

Billy Crystal also brings the goods here as a drunk dermatologist. Watching the two pal around and grow off each other was something I didn’t know I needed to see. It’s standard indie film fare, but sometimes you need a movie like that.

pick an INDIE FILM, as all of them ARE AVAILABLE TO WATCH NOW!

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