THE WORST OF 2016: 2) Ben-Hur (2016) 3

THE WORST OF 2016: 2) Ben-Hur (2016)


Ben-Hur” is staged for a third time.  Things happen, audiences don’t show up and Morgan Freeman records his ADR from his country home. All of this transpired in August 2016 and now we’re in December trying to take a second stab at the film. What good can be torn from this film? Rodrigo Santoro made for an excellent Jesus Christ? The action sequences were inspired, but failed to live up to its classic predecessor.

Somewhere, somehow…I want to imagine that the Monty Burns’ version of “Ben-Hur” still exists. While that was a vanity project, it seemed to compress the original Lew Wallace novel into a working film. Jack Huston and Toby Kebbell could’ve headlined an amazing adaptation of “Ben-Hur”. But, Kebbell could’ve been an amazing Doctor Doom. Some things just aren’t in the cards.


  • 2 hrs and 5 mins
  • PG-13
  • Paramount


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