Captain Marvel (2019) [Blu-ray Review]
Captain Marvel found an audience. That alone spurred thousands of thinkpieces and Gawker Media style backpats. The fact that the
Captain Marvel found an audience. That alone spurred thousands of thinkpieces and Gawker Media style backpats. The fact that the
Previously on AndersonVision… Last November, I delivered some critical words on ScreenX, the premium theatrical format that boasts a 270-degree,
Captain Marvel – 2019’s Marketable Heroine When one begins discussing Captain Marvel, you have to specify who you’re talking about
BASMATI BLUES REVIEWED “Basmati Blues” is a musical. It’s all a Western fantasy about saving the poor people of the
THE GLASS CASTLE REVIEWED “The Glass Castle” is all over the place. While I wasn’t a big fan of Jeanette
FREE FIRE REVIEWED “Free Fire” showcases everything great and bad about Ben Wheatley’s movies. The director is a man of
AndersonVision Best Films of 2017: #23 – Kong: Skull Island (Warner Brothers) KONG: SKULL ISLAND REVIEWED “Kong: Skull Island” is