


Smallfoot” didn’t register with me until I heard an older person complaining about it. Basically, they saw the film as old world religion condemning the modern Christian fantasy realm. The subversion of roles and acceptance of monster Paganism apparently rubbed the person the wrong way. While I went and got something to eat, I pondered what ruffled the guy’s feathers. Is it that big of a deal that a film about acceptance challenges notions of religion and authority?

Common’s job in the film is to protect the lie that humanity exists and he often gets in Channing Tatum’s way. But, this is a movie that targets very young children with the kind of material that makes FOX News nuts. But, that sort of fervor seemed to die with Happy Feet and is now replaced by serving as State Propaganda. Honestly, it might be in Warner Brothers’ favor to rile up the conservatives. Otherwise, this movie is going to die a slow death ala Storks.

While looking at my 2018 release chart, there hasn’t been a ton of animated films targeting very young kids. As the parent of a young child, I’m constantly curious about what I could take a kid to see. She loved House with a Clock in Its Walls, so she might not be the target audience for this. If your kids are of the soft and religious abiding kind, this might be too much for them. In that case, I don’t know what to tell you.

Keep them in a closet until The Grinch arrives around Christmas. For some reason, the biggest wuss kids all seem to love Christmas movies. They usually grow up to be the kind of adults with weird Disney tourism fetishes. Have fun imaging that future hellscape while you tuck them in tonight.


  • 1 hr and 36 mins
  • PG
  • Warner Brothers



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