Maid in Manhattan

Maid in Manhattan

Maid in Manhattan is getting a Blu-ray release from Mill Creek. Knowing the origins of the film as one of the last John Hughes cinematic stories, it makes me wince a bit. Jennifer Lopez and Ralph Fiennes do their best with the material, but it strikes somewhere odd. Given the director from Wayne Wang, one has to wonder where it all falls apart. After all, this pedigree of film-making has to count for something.

Maid in Manhattan 1

Jennifer Lopez isn’t quite an underrated actress, but I’d go so far as to call her underutilized. She’s capable enough and does her best to branch out into different roles. It’s just that she’s not as aggressive going after Awards bait. She picks the fare that responds to her and works her magic around it. Y’know, like stars used to do back in the Golden Age.

The Blu-ray comes with no special features.

Maid in Manhattan is available now!

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