I love sadism at Christmas.

Holiday smut with Klaus Kinski? Sign me up!


“Justine” is an erotic masterpiece hammered out by the Marquis de Sade. While Sade was in prison, he wrote the tale of Justine and her orphan exploits. She gets picked up by a worldly woman who seems to want to help. But, all the woman wants to do is give Justine to the whims of Jack Palance. This is the magic time where Palance wasn’t landing American cinematic work and he was just eating Europe alive. Hell, the dude looks so much like the Marvel Comics version of Dracula that it’s criminal nothing every came of that.

I’ve now seen the film uncut and cut into the rather softcore Deadly Sanctuary. The end result is a film that’s a bit of religious horror and a bit of true S&M fetish porn. I guess that if you’ve got a soccer mom that is still hanging off of “50 Shades of Gray” too much, then this might be put them off of it. Still, it’s a 4K restoration of a film that plays like an exploitation take on “The Devils”. What still boggles my mind while watching the film is the push to having all captive women’s nipple holes cut into their gowns. What was the point other than making the movie that much more enticing?

The Blu-Ray comes with new interviews, featurette, trailer, bonus booklet, bonus CD soundtrack and promotional stills as the special features. The A/V Quality is so strong. The 1080p transfer is grain heavy, but looks true to its origins. The DTS-HD mono track keeps everything upfront, but it works. There’s a certain degree of fandom that will find this release and Blue Underground understands that. Hence, they give you everything ever made for this film.



RELEASE DATE: 12/15/2015

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