“Ghosthouse” is where death holds the mortgage and you’re going to die. A group of visitors find a deserted home, then they start getting haunted by demonic spirits. It’s a lot like today’s mainstream horror, but it’s not pussed down to PG-13 for teenagers. The kills are creative and the Italian 70s horror vibe leans heavily over this late 80s American work. How did I ever miss this flick as a kid?

“The Witchery” is about a dead German actress haunting a hotel in Massachusetts. David Hasselhoff and Linda Blair play the leads, as this was in the low point of their careers. A year later, Hasselhoff would have Baywatch and he could put this film behind him. It’s not bad, as the Italian gore influence permeates through this release. The film flies by pretty quickly, as the hotel guests get picked off quite brutally.

The Blu-Ray comes with no special features. However, you’re getting the best A/V Quality that these releases have ever seen. The 1080p transfers really pop for both flicks. The DTS-HD mono tracks are appropriate for the era. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to all 80s schlock horror fans.

Release Date: 6/30/15

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