Get Santa is so British.

Not the worst thing I've watched during the Holidays.

“Get Santa” is the kind of film that has been done many times before. Santa Claus crash lands into London and gets arrested while wrangling his reindeer. Jim Broadbent is astonishing as Santa Claus, while everyone else just tries to keep up. Strong supporting turns from Rafe Spall and Warwick Davis keep the film going. All the while, I’m wondering how a Ridley Scott produced Warner Brothers Christmas movie didn’t get a release in America.

Yeah, we find the Brit accents weird unless it’s “Love Actually”. But, there has to be a market for easy profit on Christmas films. I’m speaking to the bean counters out there. How did you let this one die on the vine as a DTV release in America? The DVD comes with a featurette as the sole special feature.

RELEASE DATE: 12/1/2015

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