Film Forum is thrilled to announce the US theatrical premiere of “Evil Does Not Exist,” the latest cinematic masterpiece from Oscar®-winning director Ryûsuke Hamaguchi (“Drive My Car”), on Friday, May 3. Set against the backdrop of a tranquil forest community on the outskirts of Tokyo, this feature delves into the life of Takumi, a reserved widower who harmonizes his existence with the rhythms of nature. His days are spent harvesting wild wasabi, collecting stream water for a local udon restaurant, and skillfully splitting wood, though he sometimes slips in his responsibilities as a father.
The serene life of Takumi takes an intriguing turn when corporate interests encroach upon the idyllic land to establish a glamping site. What follows is an unexpected alliance between Takumi and two representatives from the company, leading to a series of comical and profound encounters that peel away the layers of human and natural mysteries.
“Evil Does Not Exist” emerges from a unique live performance concept co-developed by Hamaguchi and composer Eiko Ishibashi, marking another collaboration between the duo after “Drive My Car.” The film is an invitation to submerge into Hamaguchi’s mystical world, with captivating long tracking shots and a rich, variable score that mirrors the intricate depth of its characters.
Earning accolades on the global stage, “Evil Does Not Exist” celebrated its world premiere at the 2023 Venice International Film Festival, securing both the Grand Jury prize and the FIPRESCI Critics’ Award. Its journey continued with notable screenings at the Toronto International Film Festival, New York Film Festival, and BFI London Film Festival, where it clinched the award for Best Film in Official Competition.
This film marks the third Hamaguchi feature to grace the screens of Film Forum, following the critically acclaimed “Drive My Car” — which bagged the Best International Feature Oscar® and received nominations for Best Picture, Adapted Screenplay, and Director — and “Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy.”
Prepare to be captivated by “Evil Does Not Exist,” a film that weaves a mesmerizing narrative through the entwined forces of nature and humanity, showcasing Hamaguchi’s unparalleled artistry in storytelling.
Join us at Film Forum for this profound cinematic journey that challenges perceptions and invites introspection into the essence of existence.