Tokyo Caligula is about a divorcee learning to take her sexual life back. Since this is a Nikkatsu movie, that usually involves bush on bush action. What follows is every B plot from enlightened porn over the last 30 years. An older lady and her friends bounce around from partner to partner. This time, we get more oral sex than I’ve seen in a Nikkatsu movie.
Nikkatsu made interesting erotic films. Back in 1981, I assume this was pretty novel and why not? Maturely exploring female sexuality while also giving audiences a mildcore porn film is pretty revolutionary. What sucks about the matter is Saori is such a weak lead. She spends most of the film happily bouncing around anyone that would give her attention.

Tokyo Caligula plays with every fetish that was big in the Asian world at the time. Lots of rape fantasy, interracial action and bathroom play. All the while, I keep returning to the cultural touchstone that sullies my brains. Y’know that some programmer was watching this shit while working on many classic games. Does this explain Custer’s Revenge?
The DVD comes with removable subtitles as the sole special feature.
Tokyo Caligula gets a DVD release on Feb 11th, 2020 from Impulse/Synapse.