Damages: The Complete Series review - Glenn Close Justice 3

Damages: The Complete Series review – Glenn Close Justice

Damages: The Complete Series is one of the reasons I love Mill Creek. There are several, but I appreciate any outlet that selects the best cuts from the SONY library.  The release doesn’t come with any special features. But, you get all 59 episodes in HD for the first time ever.

Seeing as how it was an early Blu-ray release for SONY roughly 11-12 years ago, it wasn’t a shock that SONY dropped off supporting the later years. Now, you can rectify their mistake with a handy dandy budget minded release.

Plus, you get that quality John Goodman season towards the end. Goodman makes everything better and I buy him as a Blackwater type. If you were ever a fan, check it out.

Damages: The Complete Series is now available on Blu-ray



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