


On June 6, 1944, the Allies launched the biggest armada in history to invade the Normandy beaches and liberate Europe from the Nazis. Now, NOVA has exclusive access to the first complete survey of the seabed bordering the legendary beachheads. D-Day’s Sunken Secrets unfolds an account of the tumultuous events and reveals how the Allies’ intricate planning and advanced technology was vital to the ambitious and risky military operation.


“D-Day’s Sunken Secrets” is a look inside the remants of the sunken armada from the D-Day landing. PBS’s NOVA program goes through a complete survey of what was found off France’s Western coast and uncovers treasures of a bygone era. Plus, we get to look at the history of the Allied attack and how such an insanely planned assault was launched without a single Nazi being tipped off. Truly this was one of the biggest battles of the Western World.

I’ve been watching so many documentaries about the D-Day legacy. That being said, I find the balance that NOVA takes to the material to be refreshing. Sure, the material isn’t lengthy but it attacks the brain in a way that gets you to click on internet quizzes or read Did You Know quizlets. Sometimes, people just need enough of a factoid to capture their attention and get them to start ramming through the material. If it wasn’t for that, then what else would you do? Actually, crack open a book and learn something about history. That’s not what Americans with access to historical dramatizations do!

The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty strong for a documentary. The Dolby track is supportive with its surround design. However, the transfer feels a little flat, but typical. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to the curious.


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