Barry Crimmins deserves your attention.

Barry Crimmins is a better Comedian than you.

“Call Me Lucky” is a stunning look at Barry Crimmins. Crimmins rose up as a prominent voice during the 80s comedy club scene. Then, he stepped back a bit during the 1990s. While AOL was in its early stages, Crimmins discovered that a ton of pedophiles were using chat rooms to lure kids and trade photos. From there, Crimmins switched focus from the stage to making life very hard for the people that shelter these sick freaks.

The documentary is laced with tons of interviews from amazing comedians. However, Bobcat Goldthwait’s documentary shines when he keeps the focus on Crimmins in the modern era and his archival clips. While discovering Crimmins’ past is hard, it’s never presented as anything to mourn. Crimmins uses his past to push forward and help others. He might be abrasive doing it, but he gets the job done.

The Blu-Ray comes with a commentary and a trailer as the special features. The A/V Quality is amazing for a documentary. The 1080p transfer is strong, but not amazing. The same can be said for the DTS-HD 5.1 master audio track. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase.

RELEASE DATE: 10/13/2015

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