alf is taking over Shout Factory TV april 2022 promo shout factory tv

ALF is taking over Shout Factory TV on April 8th – 10th

ALF is taking over Shout Factory TV on April 8th through the 10th. But, what does mean to you? I’ve tried to win you over the goodness of ALF and Wings, but you all fight me on this.

ALF is taking over Shout Factory TV on April 8th - 10th 3

ALF is available to stream on Amazon and you can stream at a ton of other places such as TUBI. But, that’s not what matters. What matters is that you all are watching Gordon Shumway teaching Earth the benefits of eating…cats.

The big news about all of this is ALF is shooting new interstitials between episodes. I would love to be a fly on the wall of that set.

ALF is taking over Shout Factory TV on April 8th – 10th

alf is taking over Shout Factory TV april 2022 promo shout factory tv
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