“Adrift” feels like a film I’ve seen before. Hell, it feels like several. The film is based on the real-life exploits of Tami Oldman and Richard Sharp. They were a loving sailing couple prone to feats of daring shenanigans. Things were going great until a Hurricane capsized their boat and left them exposed to the elements. Given that Richard was injured in the accident, Tami has to fight to save their lives. It’s female driven and powerful, so you’re going to see a lot of middle aged single ladies keeping seats warm at this one.

The film cuts back between past scenes of the sailing lovers bonding, as the modern day sees the couple deal with their impending doom. Will they survive the next storm coming their way? It works on multiple levels, but Shailene Woodley never really has a handle on a single one. Adrift isn’t a bad film, it’s just not an interesting outside of the final storm. Much like the director’s previous work on Everest, you have one killer scene and then a ton of filler to pad it out.

Thankfully, the film plays short. If you can’t find the far more empowering RBG near you, then check this one out. If you want to play a fun game while you wait for the movie start, bet with your friends whether this movie or Ocean’s 8 will be out of theaters first. It’s a fun game with no losers. Well, other than the movies that probably shouldn’t have been released in the summer.


  • 1 hr and 35 minutes
  • PG-13
  • STX


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