the seventh sign title

The Seventh Sign showed us that Demi Moore can birth the Apocalypse without Bruce Willis

The Seventh Sign is one of those movies that always seemed to be on cable when I was a kid. Actually, let me rephrase that. HBO would always show The Seventh Sign after airing its original documentary about young actor John Taylor. The recently graduated Taylor had dreams of becoming a disk jockey before being signed onto this film. It was his first role, but it was very special due to John Taylor being mentally disabled.

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I really wish that I had some way to share that documentary with you. However, HBO has been rather derelict in their duty to save those late 80s and early 90s documentaries they produced. The beauty of that documentary is that while it promotes the newly released movie, it allows the cast to talk about Taylor as a supporting player. When the material would focus back to John Taylor making the move into an adulthood, it made you wish he got more time onscreen. Thankfully, Taylor would later team up with Johnny Knoxville in The Ringer.

What does all of this have to do with Demi Moore? Well, this was her first major dramatic breakthrough role. Her early 80s time was split between soap operas, John Cusack love interests and serving time as a Latter Day Brat Pack member. So, the first thing she does is Wisdom. After that, she decides to make a slightly horrific religious film about the Apocalypse. If you thought the modern day Left Behind movies could be maudlin, you have seen nothing yet.

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In 90 minutes and change, the film tackles religious resurrection and apocalyptic catastrophe in stride. However, they do spend an inordinate amount of time on an incestuous killer subplot and Demi Moore learning biblical history. Michael Biehn is the unsung hero of the picture, as he does his best to sell the drama behind the story. However, the entire film is a sainted love letter to Demi Moore’s ability to rise above.

If that sounds like a lot to handle, that’s because it is too much for too short of a film. Honestly, I’m surprised that the religiously minded haven’t rediscovered the film by now. It seems to play to a certain audience’s wheel house. I guess that it’s because of the mature situations. Oh well, their loss.


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