Top 5 Under The Radar Documentaries March/April 2019 [review]

At the Drive-In hits me in the sweet spot. I love Drive-Ins and I have a special fascination for the families and friends that keep them running. Learning about the Mahoning Drive-In has made me appreciate those outlets that still show vintage film. The few money making Drive-Ins have been forced to go digital, but what about all of those classic prints still out there? Check out the commentary to learn more.

Jihadists surprised me. After the film was banned in France, my interest was piqued. Now that Timbuktu has graced the Arthouse circuit, I really wanted to check out this film. Some call it the inspiration for the minor foreign hit, but I think it does something else. A hard look at splits within Islam regarding what clerics consider to pure interpretations is fascinating. That being said, it didn’t help releasing this documentary roughly 2 weeks after the Charlie Hebdo attack.

If you want to buy Jihadists, head over here:

The Long Goodbye is a stunning look at how one woman handled breast cancer with grace. The documentary never misses a chance to approach such tragedy with a smile. But, I do enjoy how Joanna Gaines and others were allowed to develop this story for the masses.

Nazi Junkies is what I enjoy in documentaries. Weird slices of history distilled into a format that allows for unusual examination. The two-part documentary series highlights how the junkie Hitler was allowed to develop a taste for hardcore opiates and how his influence cause the use to spread. Make sure to watch Episode 2. Honestly, I learned things about the Wehrmacht that I never knew.

Divide and Conquer: The Story of Roger Ailes is a rather by-the-numbers documentary about the infamous Fox News chief. Now, as various sources pick at his bones…we get treated to documentaries and feature films about the guy’s habits. Most of what is presented here is old news to anyone that can do research or followed Ailes’ career. However, it might great fodder to check out before Jay Roach film hits later this year.

All Documentaries are available between now and April 2nd!


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