


TIME TEAM AMERICA plunges the viewer into the grime and glory of real-life archaeology: epiphany and exhaustion, discovery, and disappointment. The team endures dirt, sweat, dust, and rain to explore the mysteries of the past through what they find buried below the ground. Part adventure, part hard science, part reality show, TIME TEAM AMERICA applies the latest technology and the team’s collective expertise to solving the riddles of the past–against a ticking clock. The team has just three days to find out what it can at each site.


“Time Team America” is an amazing educational show where archaeologists try to put together material about areas of the country that don’t get a ton of attention. The team heads everywhere from the Pacific Northwest to the South and the Atlantic region. No stone gets left unturned and no one tries to sensationalize the material. In a “History Channel” world, that alone is refreshing enough to make me a die-hard fan.

The two seasons represent nine hours of trying to recreate and discover ancient life in America. That being said, the constant work and repeated exposure to the same material in different locales can become draining. It’s very much an educational show and younger children will tune out. Therefore, I recommend watching it with kids no younger than 10. Not ever 10 year old will enjoy it, but their ability to tolerate education outside of the classroom will greatly increase with age. That is if you can get them to stop playing their video games. Damn kids and their Pokemon and their Q-Bert and their Ratchet Ralphs.

The DVD comes with no special features. The standard definition transfer is crisp enough. The Dolby track is a supportive surround mix. It’s typical for most documentaries. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.

RELEASE DATE: 09/30/2014

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