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Tag: Frank Henenlotter
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Read more: BASKET CASE: LIMITED EDITIONBASKET CASE: LIMITED EDITION REVIEWED “Basket Case” gets a brand-new release from Arrow. The transfer was based on elements sourced from the Museum of Modern Arts. If you’re a horror newbie, I’ll break it down for you rather fast. Country rube Duane arrives in New York City with a strange basket. It turns out that…
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Read more: BRAIN DAMAGEBRAIN DAMAGE REVIEWED “Brain Damage” is part of the reason that I love Frank Henenlotter. Many don’t dig on the guy because he loves the gore and tends to skew to the seedier side of horror. But, I find that he gets what makes a scare work. Gore is guttural response to a horrific situation.…
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Read more: BASKET CASE 2BASKET CASE 2 REVIEWED “Basket Case 2” tries to be something amazingly different and it works. However, it cuts down the violence of the original film. Plus, it gives a questionable way to work around that film’s rather grim finale. But, it also evokes “Freaks” and that remains my favorite Browning film. But, Annie Ross’s…