Challenging all notions of genre, Semi Colin is a living, breathing art installation. Part performance, part art, part social comment, Colin philosophizes on his life’s obsessive work as an erotic artist.


“Semi Colin” is proof positive that Colin Murray is a hard guy to figure out. How does one actually define themselves as an erotic artist? I love Frank Cho and Frank Frazetta’s work. They often feature scantily clad or naked women, but I wonder how they introduce themselves in public. Hi, I’m a dude who draws chicks riding lizards or flashing their tits. But, it’s art. Yeah, I know. It actually sells and I have a decent fan base. It’s still art. How can I prove it? Well, I…I….ART!

It’s a short documentary, but there is enough time for Colin to make his case. What is art and what is pornography? Just because Colin has a knack for dabbling in tit doodles, does that mean he’s not an artist? When Colin stops drawing and talks, you get to see the greater comment he’s making. It doesn’t matter what he’s drawing or how many he sells. What matters is how the audience responds to it and if they’re willing to incorporate his vision into their world. There’s no greater sign of true art than that. If you’re expecting a biography, then look elsewhere. I don’t think that Colin would want to divulge that much of his past anyways.

The DVD comes with director’s commentary, erotic illustration and music montage as the special features. The Dolby track sets a stage, but it doesn’t have anything to show off. I’m not sure of that was the purpose of it, but it works. Plus, the transfer isn’t too bad for standard definition. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase for the curious.

RELEASE DATE: 02/11/2014

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