“Scarecrows” scratches two very big itches for me. I love switcheroo films and I dig killer scarecrows. I never realized how much I dig the idea of a killer scarecrow until recently. But, that’s a story for another time. What matters now is how did Scream upgrade the classic MGM bargain bin DVD of “Scarecrows”. Hell, you’ve probably past it so many times that you might’ve made the mistake of believing it to be a TV movie from a lost era.

That means you’re stupid for passing on such a great horror flick and that you probably think “From Dusk til Dawn” was amazing. It was a cool flick, but “Scarecrows” did the same thing far better. Still, photo shots of the moon and slowed down action are used to cover some of the issues during the production. That being said, I love how Scream chose to give us the far greater uncut version of the film and not even advertise it on the box. It’s about three-four minutes longer, but the gore is top choice.

The Blu-Ray comes with a new audio commentary, an older commentary, featurettes, storyboards, still gallery and a few trailers. Plus, there are some interviews. The 1080p transfer looks phenomenal, but shows off the limited production range. The DTS-HD 2.0 master audio track is true to the era. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase.

Release Date: 06/02/15

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