The story follows five mystical warriors called the “Saints” who fight wearing sacred armors, the designs of which are derived from the various constellations. The Characters have adopted as their destined guardian symbols, and empowered by a mystical energy. The Saints have sworn to defend the reincarnation of the Greek goddess Athena in her battle against the other Gods who want to dominate the world.
“Saint Seiya” gets a complete release. From what the fans have told me, the original logo is used and the English subtitles are ass. I watched eleven hours of this stuff and I still have no idea what the hell I just saw. Apparently, they wear sacred armor that allows them to draw upon the power of the stars. Then, they fight against Gods who are trying to destroy the world. I don’t know how the Greeks and Asian armored teens got into a fight, but I assume it was because some Pacific Rim by way of Voltron level shenanigans. I assume a lot.
Anime is something that I’m familiar with, but I don’t share an interest in 90% of what is produced. Miyazaki and his ilk are the rare artisans in a field that is all about mass-produced entertainment with very few auteurs steering a vision. As such, you get garbage like this that has infiltrated American kid entertainment. There’s always some goal, ill-defined villains and a push to keep fighting a never-ending battle. Plus, the animation is shoddy and shows a lot of uneven line work.
The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality issues originated with the Toei Animation masters. Most of the Dolby track is reproduced and sounds rough at times. The transfer is strong enough for standard definition. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to non-angry fans.