[text_block_nav title=”The Plot”]”Redeemer” is about a non-talkative guy who shows up in town to clean up the drug trade. His rare speech is laced with religious mumbo jumbo. If that wasn’t enough, he fights enemies that seem to realize that they are in an action movie. The American Bradock and the local drug dealer fight over everything from drugs to nicknames. The focus on the details is cute, but it doesn’t amount to much. But, the action works.

[/text_block_nav][text_block_nav title=”What Troy Thought”]”Redeemer” has a distinct personality, as Marko Zaror stages his fights differently. Every action is slow and methodical. At times, it feels like a Chuck Norris era fight instead of the modern Parkour/MMA/Keysi Method influenced attacks. I’m not telling you to look for a Joseph Zito credit, but it wouldn’t be out of place.

If you’re looking for something new, it’s not going to be here. That being said, the action is still very strong. I expect to see Zaror move onto greater things. If you’re an action fan, this is a great film to pick up on the side. Every movie fan wants to make every outing an event. Sometimes, you just need films to cleanse the palate and appeal to that visual joy center of your brain.[/text_block_nav][text_block_nav title=”Conclusion”]”Redeemer” feels like a cross between a Joe Zito and Robert Clouse movie. However, it wants to nail down the sensibilities of the mid 80s with that synth score. There’s a lot going on to appeal to the action base. However, I can’t say that it’s a must-watch. If you dug “Mandrill”, you should’ve already seen it by now.[/text_block_nav]

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