“Rec 4: Apocalypse” stretches the story further, as Angela ends up at a quarantine center ravaged by disease. She knows that she has a small of window of time before she infects others. But, what is going and how will it impact her quest for knowledge? Watching the virus change is neat, but it barely kept my attention for 95 minutes.

It’s amazing that this film series has lasted this long. Especially when I felt that it didn’t have the momentum to escape a solo film. But, you never know what’s going to connect with people. I was talking with a few readers that are huge fans of the series. Let’s put this way, you know how I never get that descriptive of the series at hand? It’s because I barely remember any Rec movies.

The DVD comes with a making-of featurette as the sole special feature. The A/V Quality is pretty strong for a foreign horror title. The transfer shines for standard definition. The Dolby 5.1 track keeps the action alive, but I wouldn’t call it amazing. In the end, it’s worth a purchase to fans.

Release Date: OUT NOW!

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