Major League: Baseball Sheen Style [Review]

Why review Major League now? That was the question I asked myself when a copy of the film appeared in last week’s mail.

Major League arrived to great audience appeal in 1989. It was followed by two lesser sequels that only made America hate baseball more. This is the point where the beer or wine swilling plebian steps up to defend baseball. To that I say, have a random person on the street name a baseball player not involved in a Steroids scandal or is currently poking Kate Upton. Baseball sucks and the rest of America learned that lesson after the Bash Brothers fell from grace.

Bob Uecker is the glue that holds this film together. While fans remember Charlie Sheen’s glasses or the weird totem in the locker, true American super studs are still chuckling over Bob Uecker. There comes a point when a sports figure playing his current job in a film hits a wall. That wall is where anger and annoyance over the commonplace bleeds over into a fictional role. His measured annoyance with the Cleveland Indians is one of the greatest sports film performances all of time.

major league blu

Rene Russo also stars as the woman. There is another woman, but it’s not like there wasn’t thing there for me to care about remembering her name. Corbin Bernsen and Tom Berenger also star. They aren’t playing women.

Major League is out now!

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