


The AMC Original Series Low Winter Sun is a contemporary story of murder, deception, revenge and corruption in a world where the line between cops and criminals is blurred. Low Winter Sun begins with the murder of a cop by a fellow Detroit detective. Seemingly the perfect crime, in reality the murder activates forces that will forever alter the detective’s life, and pull him into the heart of the Detroit underworld.


“Low Winter Sun” is about a cop getting killed in Detroit. The problem is that his two best friends did it and now the Mayor wants answers. A media firestorm erupts, as the two killers are put on the case of solving the murder. The duo bickers back and forth about doing the right thing, while Mark Strong stays moody. That’s because it’s the only mood setting that Mark Strong can portray.

It’s criminal that Mark Strong can’t find a vehicle that works for him. He played the role in the British series from 2006. However, there is something lost in translation as American cop sensibilities demand more answers. The majority of the series is plagued by constantly running around in circles. The lack of forward development for a show that should be using the AMC freedom to its limits creates a similar problem to what “The Killing faced”. Sure, the pilot was cool, but what have you done for me lately? Such is the case with “Low Winter Sun” and that’s the reason why it won’t be returning to AMC in the Fall.

The DVD comes with featurettes and deleted scenes as the special features. The A/V Quality is pretty sharp for standard definition. That being said, I would’ve loved to have seen an HD presentation. The transfer and Dolby 5.1 track do the best with what is there. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase only to fans.

RELEASE DATE: 08/12/2014

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