The Letters is terrible.

Mother Teresa gets a lame biopic.

“The Letters” is a rather horrible biopic about Mother Teresa. The film is currently making the rounds, but it should be wiped into memory by Star Wars weekend. If you don’t know what’s going on, basically it’s a biopic about Mother Teresa sandwiched into the middle of a larger conversation. Basically, Rutger Hauer and Max Von Sydow sit down to talk about making Mother Teresa a Saint. They discuss her merits, while we get the laziest biography ever pieced together.

Wrong footage of locations are used, chronological mistakes abound and Juliet Stevenson works so hard to portray Mother Teresa with a degree of sincerity. Will Teresa become a Saint? Well, she did or did she? I could easily look this up and I don’t even care. That’s just how compelling this film is for an audience. Still, I know a few people that will check it out.


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