


Join the Lalaloopsy friends for this sweet movie about their first adventures together! After they discover an old scrapbook filled with photos and mementos from when they were babies, the friends reminisce about their nursery days where they found their special bond and first met their adorable pets. They realize how those early adventures helped to shape their personalities, and reminisce about becoming stitched together, friends forever in this delightful, fun-filled movie that Lalaloopsy fans will treasure!


“First Steps” is the first adventure for the Lalaloopsy Babies. Being as my daughter isn’t of the age to start talking, I used this show to judge her interests. She didn’t care for this release, but she loves “Alien”. It’s weird to watch what a kid responds too, but she thinks people screaming in a movie is the funniest thing ever. This is a show about babies meeting each other and their pets. From there, they bond and will later have adventures as slightly taller children. If that sounds like it’s too much for you, then lay off the Thorazine.

Kiddie shows that have young kid characters reminisce about being babies is so bizarre to me. What makes a five or six year old miss the days of crapping their pants? It’s not a new concept, as it’s been appearing in animated series for decades. However, I found myself spending the entire movie wondering the necessity behind this first adventure. Maybe, I’m losing my mind, but it was distracting.

The DVD comes with an interactive maze and mini adventures as the special features. The A/V Quality is on par with a standard definition broadcast. The transfer shows no sign of digital noise. The Dolby 5.1 track sets up a lot too. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to parents of really young kids.

RELEASE DATE: 10/14/2014

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