“Kung Fu Yoga” follows Professor Jack (Jackie Chan), as he studies Ancient Indian archaeology. Unfortunately, some mercenaries want to steal the treasures that Jackie Chan wants to study. What follows is a plot that plays like a Data East game from 1988. For a rather lengthy later era Jackie Chan feature, you get watch an Eastern world tour through a ton of new Chan locales. The action remains the same, but the tempo is making Chan show his age.
While I appreciate that Chan is opening up new markets, as the American market cools on him…it feels a little too late. The comedy is still King with Chan. It’s just that there’s nothing here that feels warranted or necessary. I’ll love and chuckle at Chan pulling off stunts that would’ve made Buster Keaton get squeamish. It’s just that I’m not 12 years old anymore. I’ve seen Chan do better and with better storytelling. That being said, I wouldn’t rule out introducing Chan to kids with this.
For as Chan ages, he tends to do two things. He gets a little Nationalistic and he plays broader for all audiences.
- Featurettes
- Bloopers
- Trailer
- 1.78:1 1080p transfer