A Stanford law-school dropout finds herself running her best friend’s ice cream truck, fending off locals and oddball friends alike as she doles out free soft serve, and on the day of her fiance’s birthday, Jillian finds herself being courted by a young man whom she barely remembers from the night before.


“Free Samples” is about a slacker who can’t decide what she wants to do. One day she does a favor for a friend and runs an ice cream truck. She’s supposed to give out free samples, limit the samples available to customers and then get them to fill out comment cards. The slacker gets to meet friends, ice cream customers and learn a little bit about herself as the day goes on. Tippi Hedren and Jesse Eisenberg show up to remind you that actors gotta eat.

The film takes place in one central location. Naturally, that will make the most hyperactive of the AV readers go nuts and find comfort in the arms of Arkham Origins. I ask you to stick it out with this flick, as it tries to be greater than what it appears. Unfortunately, that time never quite arrives before the film ends. I probably shouldn’t have said that last part.

The DVD comes with trailers for other films. The Dolby 5.1 track holds up for an indie flick. However, the transfer seemed to be washed out. Still, it’s typical for a standard definition presentation of a low budget affair. In the end, I’d recommend a rental.


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