“Felicity” is an Aussie take on “Emmanuelle” that tries to flirt with the schoolgirl fetish. For those that might be familiar with the film via Not Quite Hollywood, you’re not ready for what you’re experiencing here. Classic softcore films were the mother of invention, as they tried to flirt with mainstream success by way of breaking up the monotony of simulated boning. The film could have easily been forgotten if it didn’t hit theaters during the start of Ozploitation. Exploitation booms have a way of uncovering underground films. That’s why you’ve heard of the title film and not the bonus pictures listed on the back of the box.

Could this film be made in any other country? Sure. But, it would’ve tried to echo the Emmanuelle and Deep Throat homages of the time. Ozploitation desired to make everything work for the mainstream cinema in a way that hasn’t been seen since the Shaw Brothers in their heyday. That’s right, kids. The guys that made the chop socky flicks also made some high quality adult fare. Still, I tip my hat to “Felicity” over her distant cousins in “Emmanuelle”. “Felicity” can work as a fun teen sex comedy, while “Emmanuelle” is just a travelogue with full frontal.


  • Bonus Films
  • Commentaries
  • Outtakes
  • Trailer Reel


  • 1.85:1 1080p transfer
  • DTS-HD 2.0 master audio track


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