"Faceless After Dark" Premieres in Theaters and Digital Platforms 3

“Faceless After Dark” Premieres in Theaters and Digital Platforms

Release Date: May 17th

“Faceless After Dark,” directed by Raymond Wood and written by Jenna Kanell & Todd Jacobs, makes its debut both in select theaters and on digital platforms. This thriller follows Bowie, a former horror film star, as she confronts a night of real terror when held captive by a deranged fan.

Faceless After Dark Cast and Synopsis

"Faceless After Dark" Premieres in Theaters and Digital Platforms 5

Starring Jenna Kanell and featuring a robust ensemble including Danny Kang and Danielle Lyn, “Faceless After Dark” is a gripping narrative of survival and fear, echoing the visceral thrill and suspense of the horror genre.

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