

David Tennant (Doctor Who) stars as Will Burton, a junior barrister who specializes in spiriting people out of tight legal corners, hence his nickname-The Escape Artist. Much to the aggravation of his courtroom rival, Maggie Gardner (Sophie Okonedo), Will has never lost a case. Will’s talents acquit serial killer Liam Foyle of murder, and it is only a matter of time until Foyle kills again.


“The Escape Artist” is a prime example of how the British view their legal eagles. Will Burton is a barrister on the move, but he feels that everyone deserves a strong defense. What is he supposed to do when the system keeps dumping criminals on him that are far more heinous than the last? The three hours spent in the drama keeps trying to hammer out that Will Burton can still be a good man and defend the worst of society. However, at what point does he just became an enabler for this scum?

David Tennant is working his ass off to break out of the Dr. Who typecasting. Working against Sophie Okonedo, gives Tennant a chance to showcase that he can be a bastard while still having a level-headed cool. After all, the biggest monsters in society never believe they are monsters. That being said, Tennant isn’t playing a bad guy. He’s a career man who knows that sacrifices have to be made to uphold the greater structure of the law. It’s just what matters more? People or systems?

The Blu-Ray comes with bonus interviews as the special features. The A/V Quality is also pretty strong for a PBS release. The 1080p transfer is sharp, even though everything seems to have been shot in a soft blue light. The 2.0 track feels lossy, but the system reads it as a DTS-HD master audio track. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase.


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