


America’s most charming family is back, full of fun and adventure in this special collection of Seasons 4–6 of Duck Dynasty® on A&E®. For the Robertsons, it’s truly a family affair: everyone comes together for Phil and Miss Kay’s surprise wedding party, Phil teaches his granddaughters how to fish, the boys at the warehouse continue to get Willie’s goat and Phil and Kay host a slumber party — and that’s just for starters! The guys also coach Martin in romance and train with the local fire department, while Phil makes a jack-o’-lantern with a shotgun. The governor of Louisiana even shows up to give Willie an award. As always, the guys’ antics continue to amaze: can they get Phil’s wheelbarrow out of a tree? Plus, the whole dang clan gets even bigger as two new family members join the action. Daily life on the bayou is anything but mundane for the Robertsons.


“Duck Dynasty” compiles Seasons 4-6 for this release. More family members join the shenanigans, as everything else becomes a moment for Si, Willie and Phil to show off. Everything started to feel far more showy and staged. But, I guess that doesn’t matter for people who want to see an illusion rather than real rednecks operating a successful business. Does anyone really want to see that? The material is more of the same, as Willie tries to lead the group into doing something right. Phil and Miss Kay show up to steer Willie and Uncle Si continues to suffer from undiagnosed PTSD. That poor guy is never going to catch a break.

The Robertson Family is so fascinating to me. I’m not a fan of the reality television show format, but I appreciate the fact that money can be made off of rednecks gallivanting around and sharing funny quips. While the episodes presented here lack the wit of their recent Zaxby’s commercial, they represent a brand of entertainment that I wish would return to mainstream airwaves. Rich white dudes having fun spending multimedia cash like it’s going out of style.

The DVD comes with featurettes, a full-sized beard and an unlock code for the upcoming video game as the special features. The A/V Quality is pretty sharp for standard definition. The transfer is strong enough for standard definition. The same goes for the Dolby 2.0 track. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.

RELEASE DATE: 10/21/2014

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