Mark Marderosian, hosts a children’s television series produced to encourage kids to have fun learning to draw! This unique, engaging and interactive series helps children of all ages discover the fun of creative learning.
“Drawing with Mark” comes with a drawing booklet and coloring page. I used this as practice, as I began to watch the show. I know that I’m not the elementary school aged tyke that he’s trying to teach, but I wanted to study his fundamentals. Working in heavy graphic development, procurement and related marketing endeavors; Mark could teach adults a thing or two.
The material presented is clean and clear. Mark isn’t Bob Ross, but he’s not an advanced teacher that wants you to adopt a certain style. He exists to teach kids that art is fun and here is how to make your illustrations look even cooler. The two episodes presented cover dinosaurs and star-based imagery. It’s fun, plus it targets both genders equally. I know that’s a concern of a lot of our parent readers.
The DVD comes with no substantial special features. The A/V Quality is strong with a supportive transfer and a Dolby audio track. The Dolby track doesn’t get much back channel action. but Mark is a very clear speaker. In the end, I’d recommend a rental to parents of young kids.