“Deli Man” is a look at Ziggy Gruber and his efforts to bring Jewish food culture to the entire country. After all, isn’t it a bit weird that the greatest Jewish deli in America is in Houston? As the film carries on, you realize that the deli isn’t about the food that much. There’s the sense of identity and tradition built into sharing a culture with others. The people change, but the taste for Pastrami will forever remain.

Ziggy Gruber isn’t getting wealthy off the deli, but he’s meeting people. These people want to learn about what he does and they want to share in. That romanticized approach to a craft is enough to wow most artists away from the pains of such a life. But, you see the patrons so enraptured in the process. After all, food is the lynchpin of nostalgia.

The Blu-Ray comes with interviews, featurettes and a trailer as the special features. The A/V Quality is pretty sharp for a documentary. The 1080p transfer is strong as it gets. Plus, the DTS-HD 5.1 master audio track creates a strong soundstage. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase.

Release Date: 7/7/15

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