Chapter 29 Chamber has to be one of the best designed mutants in Marvel history. Jono Starsmore
Blogs dedicated to AndersonVision’s ongoing examination of the Uncanny X-Men.
Chapter 29 Chamber has to be one of the best designed mutants in Marvel history. Jono Starsmore
Chaper 28 “Operation: Zero Tolerance” has to be the best aged crossover from the late 1990s. Directly following up
Chapter 22 Longshot began life as a genetically modified slave under the rule of Mojo. He was bred in
Chapter 20 What’s up with that skunk stripe? If you’ve been following the X-Men for years, then you realize
Chapter 19 Kitty Pryde was introduced as part of Marvel Editorial dictating certain changes to X-Men. Specifically, the book
Chapter 18 Thunderbird represents a peculiar turning point in the X-Men mythos. There was a decision in the mid
Chapter 17 Shiro Yashida was born the son of a woman exposed to toxic radiation at Hiroshima. While he
Chapter 16 Now, I don’t want anyone to think that I don’t like Wolverine. It’s just that everyone says
Chapter 15 Storm was the first female fictional character that I really sought out. I had watched several things