Chapter 42 Victor Creed was born sometime/somewhere in the 19th century Canadian Frontier. While Logan’s origin tale does the future
Blogs dedicated to AndersonVision’s ongoing examination of the Uncanny X-Men.
Chapter 42 Victor Creed was born sometime/somewhere in the 19th century Canadian Frontier. While Logan’s origin tale does the future
Chapter 41 Mystique is such a loaded character. For the longest time, she was presented as the evil foster mother
A brief word about this interstitial guide While working on this project and the previous Spidey Project, I’ve casual readers
Chapter 40 Deadpool splits Marvel fans a lot. Some like the character’s abrasive style, while others feel that he represents
Chapter 39 Cain Marko began life as Charles Xavier’s step-brother. Xavier and Marko’s parents worked at a nuclear test site
Chapter 33 Gladiator started off as the leader of the Imperial Guard, but eventually became Majestor. But, before we
Chapter 32 Lifeguard is a mutant whose powers manifest when she needs to save someone. She can’t control them or
Chapter 31 Sage was one of the first mutants that Professor X found when building his original X-Men. Sage
Chapter 30 Stacy X was born Miranda Leevald. When she discovered that her mutant power was to create pleasure