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“Ant-Man and the Wasp” works better than the first movie. Hell, the first movie is a modern adaptation of the first Scott Lang storyline. Everything else about that movie is a mix of THAT’S OK to fanboys carrying the torch for Edgar Wright’s original vision. Get over it, kids. Most of what he did found a way onscreen. Keep enjoying the jokes about ice cream shops and their intense employee research.
The sequel opens two years after Civil War. Paul Rudd is coming off house arrest, so that explains why he couldn’t join up to fight Thanos and the Black Order in NYC/Wakanda/Titan. Hank Pym and his daughter Hope have been on the run since the events of Civil War. Scott Lang using Pym Tech in Berlin caught the government’s attention. Various goons from the scientific and military wings of America hunt them, while they just want to reunite with Scott. Thankfully, Hope has got a Wasp suit to join the battle.
Evangeline Lilly and Paul Rudd play off each other quite well. Even with Michael Douglas hanging out in the background as the fatherly figure that is keeping their powers working. Michael Pena continues to steal focus as the way too good Luis. As fun as it is to have Cassie Lang and others in the movie, it almost feels like it would be better to strip down the supporting cast. Scott’s a good dad, but we come to these movies for the superheroics.
The constant demand to stay familiar and fun hurts Ant-Man a little. I get that Bill Foster and others love him, but what about the damn villain? The Ghost feels like an afterthought. The MCU turned the character into a woman that demands support to fix her wonky powers. Plus, she also helps to explain what happened to the missing Jan Van Dyne/Pym/I read too many comics. I love how the Ant-Man movies are turning into the Deep Science/Tech movies of the MCU. The Iron Man movies never quite got there for me.
Without dipping a toe into spoilers, I will say this. Jan is where Hank inadvertently left her. There’s a way to get her out, but it semi-requires the Ghost to make it happen. Randall Park is fun as one of my favorite Marvel characters (Jimmy Woo). All and all, it’s more of the same. 82 minutes of Marvel action with 30 minutes of line-a-rama comedy. The kids will eat it up, while everyone will hold their breath awaiting the credits scene. The first one of those scenes is the only thing with any substance. The end credits scene felt like a viral clip best left for YouTube promotion.
- 1 hr and 58 mins
- PG-13
- Marvel/Disney
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