Act of Violence (1948) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 3

Act of Violence (1948) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review]

Act of Violence (1948) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 5
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Act of Violence is a crazy film that I’m shocked hasn’t been remade in the modern era. Two World War II veterans are living in the modern world at different points of life. Frank has his family and basic suburban life guaranteeing his American dream. Then, there is Robert Ryan’s Joe. He’s got a bum leg after surviving a bayonet attack from an SS prison guard. What happened there? Well, Frank ratted out Joe and his now dead friends to the SS in order to save his own neck. Now, Joe wants vengeance.

Act of Violence (1948) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 7

Seriously, what an amazing story

Fred Zinnemann isn’t the kind of director I expected to handle a movie like this. Even though this film noir slightly underperformed at the Box Office, it’s the kind of counterpoint to films like The Best Days of Our Lives. It’s so dark, yet it feels like a natural built revenge tale. What kills it is the ending. I get why they tried to redeem certain aspects, but the false morality of the scene feels cheap at points.

Act of Violence comes to Blu-ray from Warner Archive

Warner Archive loads up the film with special features. You get a feature commentary, featurettes, cartoons and a trailer. I talk about the loaded classic releases all the time from Warner Brothers. But, this takes the cake alongside the stunning transfer. I’d recommend a purchase.

Act of Violence (1948) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 9

You can buy the Act of Violence Blu-ray from Warner Archive at MovieZyng!

Act of Violence (1948) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 5
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