Who wants to watch Camp Hideout?

Who wants to watch Camp Hideout? 1

It’s a new movie starring Christopher Lloyd and honestly we typically anchor these contests into reviews and other opportunities. But, I’ve been crazy busy and I haven’t reviewed the movie yet.

So, I’ve got three digital codes to giveaway and I have a big catch to it all.
I don’t care if you haven’t read the site before or you are just a social media contest hopper.

But, if you submit to this contest to win 1 of 3 digital codes for Camp Hideout, I ask that you review the movie.

Not just review the movie, but review the movie in 600 words. Exactly 600 words. Not 599 or 601.
I’m a tech weirdo that likes testing things and I’m going to use a kids movie to help test something.

You have your assignment, I have the codes.

Who wants to watch Camp Hideout? 3

Camp Hideout is now on Digital from Lionsgate

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