


Matt Bomer excels again as charming con man Neal Caffrey in another engaging season of crime solving and high-stakes heists! Facing the uncertain future of his partnership with FBI Agent Peter Burke (Tim DeKay), Neal sheds his tracking anklet and disappears into thin air. But the Feds aren’t done with him and Neal is hardly ready for retirement. Back in action, Neal ponders the future as Season Four delves deeper into the stunning secrets of his mysterious past. Packed with seduction, intrigue, and more of everything you love about TV’s sexiest show, White Collar will have you glued to the edge of your seat. Let the games begin!


“White Collar” has turned into your typical USA show in its fourth season. It’s practically alien to any non-fans, while the material stays as self recycling and back patting than ever before. If you’ve been here since the pilot, then you’re in on the ground floor. However, I’m starting to tire of Neal a little bit. The feds keep bringing out Neal for the same crap every year and the plot is running thin. If this show had Mark Harmon and they targeted America’s seniors…I could see it lasting longer.

What I also like about this show is the theme of being torn between getting exactly what you want, albeit getting it illegally, and settling into a normal, legal, life. Neal Caffrey has always been a conman, and it is second nature to him to get what he wants by illegal means. When working for the FBI he has to fight this urge, but settling into a legal life also gives peace of mind. He doesn’t have to lie and run. He’s trying to tell himself that he just wants to escape the trappings of a normal dull life, but does he truly believe this? At least, experience seems to prove him wrong on many accounts.

The DVD comes with deleted scenes, commentary and a gag reel as the special features. The A/V Quality is strong with a supportive transfer and a Dolby audio track. The Dolby track kicks into 5.1 surround when it needs to, but most of the action is upfront. Still, I’d love to see an HD release of this show. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.


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