The Voyeur is erotica at its smuttiest.

Italy just brings it with erotic cinema.

“The Voyeur” is the kind of smut that makes 13 year olds learn about Tinto Brass. A French literature professor is annoyed that everyone around him has somebody. Even his bedridden father has a scantily clad nurse. All he can do is hang out and watch as everyone gets to ogle somebody else. But, who does our Professor get to ogle?

Riz Ortolani scores the film with a smoother mix than the classic Western work that he made in the 1960s. This is an older composer that knows his soft tunes can only heighten the erotic tension. What we get here is the uncut edition, so that means unaltered music cues and more boobs. This is a film about more than visual pleasures, it’s about a man finding what is important to him in life.

The Blu-Ray comes with a new interview, HD trailers and a photo video gallery as the special features. The 1080p transfer is sharp and the Dolby 2.0 track does the best it can. Where the film fails, it’s made up for by Brass’s ability to frame a young woman’s ass like a work of art. The director doesn’t get the credit he deserves in Italian cinematic history. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.


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