Chronicles the epic battle between the Decepticons and the Autobots in their mission to defend Earth and one day restore their home planet of Cybertron.
“Predacons Rising” is slightly over an hour to find out that Unicron wants Cybertron destroyed. The people fight and the Beast Hunters come to be. Brawls are had, as robots fight and nearly die all over the place. At least the 1986 film had a chance to kill off most of the lesser bots. This keeps going on and on, until most non fans will leave the room. Honestly, I was almost out the door myself.
The Blu-Ray comes with featurette and DVD copy. The A/V Quality is pretty sharp for HD. The 1080p transfer and DTS-HD 5.1 master audio track holds up. I love what we see here, but it works for fans and nobody else. That being said, they’ll eat this up with a spoon.
RELEASE DATE: 10/08/2013