Five rookies have kicked in doors, taken down criminals, kept people safe and saved each other in the process. Now they’re doing it all again, only better.


“Rookie Blue” is so dependent on knowing what came before. But, I guess that you can say that for any cult show. Hell, I didn’t even realize that it still aired on ABC during the summers. But, the legions of fans that even the smallest show can inspire always find me on social media. In the last month, I’ve had readers informing me about every aspect of Sliders, Rookie Blue and Out of this World. Why do they do it? Well, it’s because they care. But, I think it also indicates a serious mental problem about the politics of rationality vs. social restraint.

I can’t say that I really like the show, but I don’t hate it. If you’re not invested in the characters, then this is yet another cop show with a female lead trying to make it in a man’s world. A thousand years from now, some alien civilization will probably watch this alongside “Single Female Lawyer” and they’ll spare our lives. Until then, it’s the latest entry in the sheer glut of an overstuffed TV landscape. Stuff like this makes it to four seasons, yet “Pushing Daisies” had to fight to get two years on the air. There’s just no damn justice in the world, man. This is why I stick to movies.

The DVD comes with webisodes and making-of featurettes as the special features. The A/V Quality is pretty strong. The transfer is clean, but the Dolby track doesn’t get a ton of back channel support. Ultimately, it’s on par with the last couple of season releases. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to the curious.

RELEASE DATE: 05/06/2014

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