Robot Monster": Golden Age 3-D Classic Revived in a Special Edition Blu-ray on July 25th 3

Robot Monster”: Golden Age 3-D Classic Revived in a Special Edition Blu-ray on July 25th

The worlds of ‘can’ and ‘must’ intersect as the fascinatingly zany 3-D classic of the Golden Age, “Robot Monster”, re-emerges in a grand showcase packed with extras from beyond this world!

Robot Monster is a Surreal Journey into the Post-Apocalyptic World

In the aftermath of a cosmic disaster that wipes out humanity, the last six survivors grapple with the oddly emblematic alien threat, Ro-Man (George Barrows). Under the ruthless command of the Great Guidance, Ro-Man’s mission to obliterate humanity is shaken when he falls for a girl (Claudia Barrett). Will the dashing young Roy (George Nader) be able to save her?

“Robot Monster” was independently filmed within a week in the scenic Bronson Canyon. Its Tru-Stereo cinematography matches the major 3-D productions of its time. To celebrate its 70th anniversary, this unforgettable sci-fi classic’s 3-D version has been meticulously restored from the comprehensive 35mm archival 3-D elements by the skilled archivists at the 3-D Film Archive.

Robot Monster": Golden Age 3-D Classic Revived in a Special Edition Blu-ray on July 25th 5

Experiencing Ro-Man as Envisioned

This release offers a rare opportunity to view the astonishing Ro-Man exactly as director Phil Tucker originally intended – in the marvel of Tru-Stereo Three Dimension!

The “Robot Monster” Blu-ray restoration is available in BD3D (for the equipped) and in a compatible anaglyphic 3-D format compatible with any system or monitor, as well as standard 2-D. Each copy includes a pair of red/cyan anaglyphic glasses.

3-D Bonuses Galore

The Blu-ray is packed with 3-D extras:

  • “Stardust in Your Eyes” (1953) – Featuring Slick Slaven in a new 4K scan from the left/right 35mm master positives.
  • “Memories of a Pooped-Out Pinwheel” (2022) – Greg Moffett shares personal memories of filming on location.
  • “Travels Through Time & Space” (2023) – A newly curated vintage slide presentation from Stereoscopic Anthropologist, Hillary Hess.
  • “Adventures in 3-D” (1953) – A newly restored Golden Age 3-D Comic Book, presented with Carl Scheckel at Carl’s Comix.
  • Plus additional trailers, vintage shorts, and a restoration demo!

2-D Extras for the Enthusiasts

The 2-D bonus features are equally compelling:

  • “Saving Slick” (2023) – A documentary explaining how 1950’s comedian Slick Slaven rediscovered his forgotten act when his lost 3-D film was revived in 2003.
  • “Joe Dante, Trailers from Hell” (2013) – 1956 “Monster from Mars” reissue trailer hosted by Joe Dante.
  • “Mistakes & Innovations” (2023) – Discusses the original day-for-night footage and Phil Tucker’s innovative use of “Double Film”.
  • “Rescuing Ro-Man” (2023) – A documentary recounting the accidental discovery of two forgotten 35mm prints in 1990.
  • Commentary Track (2022) with Greg Moffett, Mike Ballew, Eric Kurland, and Lawrence Kaufman.
  • “Was I a Man” (2022) – A new song by The Other Favorites, played during the post-feature restoration credits and memorabilia gallery.
  • Memorabilia Gallery (2023) – Showcasing original ads, posters, lobby cards, and publicity photos.
  • Bela Lugosi – “You Asked for It” (July 27, 1953) – A restored appearance on live television.

Don’t miss out on the chance to relive this delightfully eccentric 3-D classic in its fully-restored glory!

Robot Monster arrives on Blu-ray on July 25th!

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